Gallery of Reconstructed Models

Reconstructions of the Arc de Trioumphe and the Taj Mahal (from a single photograph) by George Borshukov
Sather Tower (The Campanile), Berkeley, California
- A photograph of the Campanile, with marked features shown in green.
- A basic model of the Campanile recovered from the single photograph in (a).
- The edges of the basic model projected into the original image through the recovered camera position.
- A synthetic image of the Campanile generated using three photographs and view-dependent texture-mapping.
SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) by Yizhou Yu
- A photograph of the SFMOMA, with marked features shown in green.
- A second marked photograph.
- The model recovered from the lines in the two photographs.
University High School, Urbana, Illinois
- Three of twelve photographs used to reconstruct Uni High, with marked features shown in green.
- Recovered model edges reprojected through recovered camera
positions into the three original images.
- Three views of the recovered high school model and camera
- The process of projecting images onto the recovered model with
view-dependent texture-mapping.
- Computer-rendered fly-around of the high school model. (6MB QuickTime Movie)
Entrance to Peterhouse Chapel, Cambridge, England
- One of four original photographs of the entrance.
- A depth map for the entrance keyed to the photograph in (a), computed using a second photograph of the entrance and model-based stereo.
- A computer-rendered view of the entrance using the image-based technique of forward pixel-splatting.
- A computer-rendered fly-around movie of the entrance, using a single image projected onto flat geometry. (9MB QuickTime Movie)
- A computer-rendered fly-around movie of the entrance, using view-dependent texture mapping of four images onto flat geometry. (9MB QuickTime Movie)
- A computer-rendered fly-around movie of the entrance, using view-dependent texture mapping of four images onto complex geometry recovered using model-based stereo. (9MB QuickTime Movie)
West façade of the Rouen Cathedral, Normandy, France
- A photograph of the cathedral, with the recovered model edges superimposed in blue.
- A basic model of the cathedral's Façade recovered from features marked in three images.
- A computer-rendered view of the cathedral using view-dependent texture mapping.
Hoover Tower, Stanford, California
- A photograph of Hoover Tower.
- A model of Hoover Tower recovered from the single photograph in (a).
- Another view of the model, showing a user-placed camera that will be used to generate a novel view of the tower.
- A synthetic view of the tower, obtained by texture-mapping the photograph in (a) onto the model in (b) from the novel vantage point shown in (c).
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Paul Debevec (