Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs
versión en español
Original photograph |
Motion-blurred LDR image |
Motion-blurred HDR image |
Photograph with real motion blur |
Introduction | Radiance Maps
| Light Probe Images | Creating | Viewing | Publications
Film cameras were developed in order to record light so that it could
be reproduced on photographic paper; digital cameras so that it could
be reproduced on a computer screen. Neither computer screens nor
paper can display nearly the dynamic range (ratio between dark and
bright regions) as what is present in the real world, and as a result
cameras are not designed to capture even close to such a range.
However, by taking a series of pictures with different exposure
settings the range can be covered. With this technique such a series
of images can be combined into a single high dynamic range image
called a radiance map. Radiance maps are useful for
representing true illumination values in image-based rendering
applications, and are useful for recording incident illumination and
using this light to illuminate CG objects for realistic compositing
(see the SIGGRAPH 98 paper on image-based
lighting.) Recent work has proposed techniques for using high dynamic
range images as texture maps in realtime graphics applications (see
the EGWR 2001
paper on Real-time High Dynamic Range Texture Mapping.)
Radiance Maps
Downloadable in Greg Ward's RADIANCE red-green-blue-exponent
Light Probe Images
There is a variety of light probe images (omnidirectional, high
dynamic range measurements of incident illumination) available in the
light probe image gallery.
Paul E. Debevec and Jitendra Malik. Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs. In SIGGRAPH 97, August 1997.
Software for creating and viewing HDR images
HDR Shop, a high dynamic
range image processing and manipulation package developed at the USC
Institute for Creative Technologies, is available for download at:
It is free for academic and non-commercial use and is available to be
licensed for commercial use.
There is now a downloadable software package called
available for assembling high dynamic range radiance maps from series
of photographs.
These images are in the RADIANCE Synthetic Imaging
System image format (Described in Greg Ward's "Real
Pixels" article in Graphics Gems II.) They can be viewed on an
X11 display using the ximage program and/or converted to
floating point data using the "pvalue -df -H -h" program from the
RADIANCE package.
The images may also be viewed on Windows 95/98/NT using the HDRView program
we've written which is downloadable here.
Related Resources
While working at SGI, Greg Ward developed two new high-dynamic range
encodings for the TIFF image format: "LogLuv
Encoding for TIFF Images".
Slides from Greg Ward's 5/21/2001 talk on "High
Dynamic Range Imaging" at the USC Institute for Creative
Technologies are available here as Ward-HDRImaging-20010521.pdf
For commercial licensing opportunities contact the Office of
Technology Licensing, UC Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 510,
Berkeley, CA 94720-1620, (510) 643-7201.