The mysterious letter was delivered to 2213 Vine Street in June 1994. The letter arrived in a zippered, canvas damaged mail pouch. It was delivered by our regular carrier. I contacted the Alameda County agencies that maintain old city registry files. These registries were published annually until after World War II. They contain, among other things, alphabetical lists of the residents.
The city registries for Berkeley 1926-28 do not mention any Greysons, but the accuracy of the registry is questionable. I looked up my father's family in the same registries and found that the name had been misspelled. There are two Greysons listed in the current Alameda County telephone book. Neither of these families could help me. One Greyson told me that his family had adopted the name during the 1950's for unspecified reasons.
I asked the Berkeley Postmaster if it was policy to deliver a letter that had obviously had its stamp removed. Couldn't somebody just take any old letter they might find in a trunk and drop it in a mailbox and have it delivered? "Yes" was the answer.
So the letter remains a mystery.
Written in black ball-point
Dec.1927Written in black fountain pen
Mrs. L. C. Greyson 2213 Vine St Berkeley 4 Calif.
Letterhead reads: ON BOARD GRACE LINE S.S.
The pages are 24.4cm by 15.6cm.
Dec 19-27 Dear Mother Greyson: As we expect to make port tomorrow will drop off a few lines will write a regular letter when we arrive as it has been a very eventful trip and we sure have a lot to write about Ray has just finished repacking his and mine trunks and is resting. We all ought to weigh a ton if food counts as we certainly have had wonderful eats and Dick has a standing order for ice cream each meal We took on a bunch
of foreigners today and they are jabbering so that I am simply dizzy Dick is having the time of his young life and the instigator of many a game We have had some very interesting trips when we were in port all of which we will write about later The best part of this trip is the lovely people you make friends with and have to lose and talk about lazy we all are simply ruined right now. We have seen and done so much since we left Berkeley I feel like it simply is not me at all Shall be very anxious to hear from you and I hope
Page one side two
by the time that this reaches you that Ivy and her mother have returned This darn boat is rocking so I will have to stop You will hear from us soon- be good and hold the fort - hope Aunt Sade will soon be with you. Lots of love from us all EmWritten in thick, heavy pencil
Tuesday 20th Arrived new Hotel Bolivar Lima, Up to Graya [?] Thursday. Then we will write. All lovely so far. Love May [?]